Sunday, November 3, 2013



I chose the topic of confidence for one simple reason: to further understand it and develop my skills in many areas of my life that involve confidence. I have had heavy depression and anxiety for many years, and one skill that I feel I always lack is confidence. I believe that if I work hard to get better, I will be more confident and happier. Confidence also interests me because it is a proven key to being successful in life. I am motivated to work hard and face challenges in my life, and I believe that I must learn to be confident. By becoming confident, I will hopefully be able to break the cumbersome chains of anxiety and depression. Instead of these chains ruling my life and controlling me, I could through confidence, control my own life. Continually writing about confidence and analyzing my own thoughts is an excellent strategy to further understand the subject. I have seen many dark times in my mind that I'm not proud of. Often I don't realize my negative thoughts that usually come second nature, causing me to fall deeper into a pit. Sometimes I feel so hopeless and defeated in life, and socially I feel inadequate as if I am on a whole different level than my peers. I go through each day faking smiles and pretending that everything is alright, while on the inside my mind feels totally defeated and void of happiness. I feel as if I have fallen behind in life, with little hope. With confidence can come hope though. Although not all of this are contributed to a lack of confidence, I'm damn sure having more confidence couldn't hurt. Confidence is just part of the puzzle to getting better. However, I must make sure this puzzle piece is shaped properly or the whole puzzle will not work. Through gaining confidence, I could gain strength to start to free myself from my chains. If I imagine myself happy, with less depression and anxiety, I imagine myself being confident. And that is why I'm interested in confidence. I know the path to getting better will be a rough one, but I feel prepared to face what lies ahead because I am sick and tired of staying where I am in this cage of depression. Do I know how to immediately become more confident? No. Like all good things, I am expecting that I have to work hard for it. Overall, I am excited to learn more about how I can gain more confidence and also how it will affect my life. I want to improve my life and I think confidence may help me do just that.


  1. I really like your blog, Austin, because it's somewhat relatable. I especially enjoy how you brought confidence into the picture.

  2. I too have struggled with anxiety and depression, and I appreciate how you write about it in a way that makes others comfortable with admitting it themselves. That is my fascination or problem with "confidence:" I wonder if everyone is not feeling the same kinds of anxieties and doubts that you and I feel and they are just good at covering them up or not paying attention to those doubts. Is confidence real, or is it just a clever shell that people master? Are confident people those who truly never feel anxiety and depression or are they those who have perfected the ability to never show anxiety or depression? I don't trust confident people for this reason; I worry they are lying to themselves with their act, and therefore they will one day lie to me. I guess that's just my anxiety at work.
