Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Confidence Research

Confidence Research

Confidence is a key to a successful life. It is extremely important to sharpen this skill, as it will support one in any aspect of their life. I believe learning to develop confidence should come from real world situations and interactions, however there are some recourses online that highlight important aspects of confidence. The scientific articles I found divulged the inner workings of confidence in the mind and based there findings on psychological research. One aspect of these articles I agreed with is using positive reinforcement. The blogs I found were more applicable to a person who wants to gain confidence, and exactly how to do it. They were more straight forward, somewhat of a 'how to' guide, with many of them having steps. Both sources showed real life advantages of increased levels of confidence. I learned many reasons to develop my confidence, and knowing these positive advantages encouraged be to strive for more confidence. The research provided me with not only knowledge, but with hope, knowing that one can take steps to improve their confidence. The basis of these articles and blogs were to improve yourself. The viewpoints expressed in these writings made me think differently about my own confidence, and even the task of striving to gain confidence. These articles made me see that there is not one direct path to confidence, there is no way to turn it on automatically, and that it is more of a subjective feeling that comes from focusing on other things. Eventually, confidence comes in learning experiences from everyday life. I agreed with many opinions in these articles, one being that confidence allows you to be more successful. From my own experience I know this to be true for me. Regardless of what situation I might be in, if I have confidence in myself to perform, I will be ok. Doing this research has made me realize that I need to be more aware of my actions and thoughts each day that lead to the feeling of not being confident. To have further success in this field I will have to start taking action instead of sitting back. Overall however, the number one thing I learned from this research that having confidence differs in everybody, and the way someone needs to find their own confidence needs to be unique to them. There are no set rules on how to go about gaining confidence, which is why everyone should see how confidence affects them in their own life. This research made me realize that I was taking the wrong path to gaining confidence. I was too passive before, too afraid to get better. If I put a concerted effort into gaining confidence however, it will slowly come, small pieces at a time. I learned through this that confidence is more of a journey than a destination.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating research that clearly inspired you in many ways, but this quote really inspired me "These articles made me see that there is not one direct path to confidence, there is no way to turn it on automatically, and that it is more of a subjective feeling that comes from focusing on other things..." So, for those of us who struggle with confidence we problematically are trying to figure out a way to "turn it on"--a trick, a technique, a switch. It actually seems that your research proves a wise paradox: in order to improve confidence we must stop focusing on confidence. Instead, we must focus on the moment we are in: what we are building, creating, discovering, making. It inspires me to do more instead of dwell more.
