Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Final Blog Entry - What I've Learned and Moving Forward

There are many things I have learned through through this process of writing about my topic of confidence. I still however have many questions that may help me move forward. Looking back on this experience, it has motivated me even more to seek out knowledge and to expand the way I see confidence. Being able to write about confidence in this blog helped to focus in on it yet also open my eyes and view confidence in a way I never have before. In turn, this will help me to further advance my knowledge of this topic because I am still very curious. One of the mist important things I have learned through this process is that confidence must be defined by the individual, and that there is no set path that works for everyone. I have learned that gaining confidence is a subject that must be experienced first hand in real world situations, not learned in a book at home or researched in the comfort of one's room. However this is difficult because being in these actual situations may in itself require confidence, but it is important to know that learning through failure in these situations is possibly the best way to better understand confidence.  Overall I learned to totally change the way I approach having and gaining confidence.

I am very interested in moving forward and gaining further knowledge in confidence. I want to further analyze how I act in situations and take note on how to better myself. I doubt I will use many book sources to study this topic further, because I think I would learn more by executing it in my daily life. I believe through this process I will have walked away with a much different viewpoint and understanding of confidence. However, confidence is something I want to continuously improve on for the rest of my life. I do believe that the harder I search for it, the more difficult it may be to obtain. Rather than focusing too much on the destination, I shall be more relaxed. So for now I am taking this journey one step at a time with the new developing skills I have and the hope that I will gain even more in the future.


  1. I can understand how writing about confidence can be difficult. What with all the criticisms of the world, or even as small as a school community, talking about your own self confidence is something that isn't easy to just do. I like how curiosity makes you want to "move on" and think more a bout confidence. Nice work kiddo

  2. This has been such a healthy experience for you. I do think reading can help, but you must read the right kinds of books--ones with shocking or challenging characters in confidence crises. Then, however, you must leave the book, get up and try to look at the world in a new way applying the lessons from any text or philosophy you read.
