Tuesday, December 10, 2013



I am interviewing my father, Michael Johnson over the topic of confidence. The following are selected questions and answers from the interview.

Q: How do you define confidence?
A: an internal feeling that lets someone feel that they can accomplish a certain goal or preform a certain activity with excellence.

Q: How does one build confidence?
A: Confidence is found through a combination of grit and determination. You must work at what you want to achieve, and never give up, confidence will come over time.

Q: Who is someone you know that has confidence?
A: My father believed and knew in is heart, that there was nothing he couldn't achieve if he was focused, determined, and motivated to achieve it. Having his internal confidence lets you know that you can take on any battle

Q: What contributes to a lack of confidence?
A: A lack of confidence comes when you cant experience what it means to be victorious in your pursuit of a goal. In almost every case where someone loses their confidence, they either lost their internal grit to not give up, or the perseverance to never quit.

Q: Is there on sure way to get confidence?
A: You have to develop a belief in yourself that no matter what has to be done, you know inside of yourself that you can do what is necessary to be successful.

Follow Up Questions

Q: When was a time in your life that sticks out that you had a lot of confidence?
A: Freshman year in college I gained the maturity to believe in myself and to trust that if I gave my best effort, good results will follow

Q: How much of a role does confidence play in your life?
A: Confidence is directly related to happiness, because happiness revolves around achieving your goals and the effort that takes to achieve them. Owning my own business is risky, so I face each day with confidence necessary to run a business on a successful way

When I interviewed my father, I assumed that I already knew most of his insight into confidence as we talk about it mostly daily. This was true for the most part, however I still learned about the way he views his business and his late father. I also learned about my father's personal life more and how he thinks confidence plays a role in it. I conducted my interview in such a way that I used more broad and generalized questions on the beginning to form a basis of the interview, while I used later questions to delve into more specific questions about confidence. The environment I interviewed in wasn't as good as I should ave made it, so in the future I would prepare my interview better. I would do it in a more quiet place with less distractions where my interviewee could think and formulate responses better. Maybe having the TV on in the background wasn't the best idea. Also in the future I might guide the questions better, so I get answers guided more towards what I was looking for. The answers I received from my father reinforced my views on the topic because me and my father have frequent conversations over this topic. I did however learn more about his own confidence, as opposed to talking about my own. The answers my father gave coincided with my own beliefs on the subject. The interview was benefited me in the sense that I gained insight into my father's own life and how confidence plays a role in it. Also, I learned what settings and questions makes a good interview and how I should go about it in the future. Next time however, I may interview someone witch different view than myself, so that I gain another perspective into the matter and I may be challenged more on the topic as a result. Doing so may help me better understand confidence, as it is different fore everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating responses, especially the ones about his dad and his business. I have always wanted to open my own restaurant, but I just don't have the confidence--too many risk factors would keep me up at night. I wonder what he would say if you shared your nervousness with him or even had him read your blog--I wonder how your experiences compare with his?
